Grayslake Community Rink
"We love our refrigerated rink from Iron Sleek. This rink has been great for our community as it is right in the center of our town in Gelatin Park. We've been able to do so many events like our Food Truck and Firepit day and we had the local high school homecoming ceremony on the rink during Covid a couple years back. We've also had many sponsored events that have been great for the community. This has also been a place where families can come at any time to have fun and skate all day. We've had many people come out and the ice and strong and skateable no matter the weather due to the great refrigeration system. The town have been able to skate so much more and for much longer into the season than in years before. We actually started with a 32' x 60' but since we had so many people come we expanded to a 60' x 60' rink and it was awesome and very affordable. This has been a great thing for our community and it has really brought us back together after Covid and we are so thankful to Iron Sleek for making it happen." - Grayslake Community Joint Statement